all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 1XX 17 0 51.868468 0.546184
CM7 1XY 7 0 51.868448 0.547112
CM7 1XZ 19 0 51.873551 0.562685
CM7 1YD 8 0 51.868298 0.554861
CM7 1YN 7 0 51.869192 0.548084
CM7 1YR 7 0 51.86561 0.561841
CM7 1YS 8 0 51.866028 0.562489
CM7 1YT 9 0 51.865734 0.562763
CM7 1YU 12 0 51.867012 0.561499
CM7 1YX 10 0 51.86633 0.562231
CM7 1ZL 31 0 51.869016 0.544994
CM7 1UX 0 51.879502 0.552445
CM7 1GY 7 0 51.877437 0.547722
CM7 1GZ 8 0 51.877422 0.548012
CM7 1FS 19 0 51.877466 0.548465
CM7 1FB 0 51.883468 0.540376
CM7 1FD 0 51.88369 0.540941
CM7 1FE 0 51.883581 0.539757
CM7 1FG 0 51.884102 0.540194
CM7 1FH 0 51.884368 0.54079