all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 1BA 21 0 51.871625 0.563171
CM7 1BB 20 0 51.872625 0.562269
CM7 1BE 5 0 51.864951 0.56115
CM7 1BG 9 0 51.864573 0.561593
CM7 1BH 26 0 51.864244 0.56018
CM7 1BJ 26 0 51.86556 0.556696
CM7 1BL 8 0 51.86521 0.55916
CM7 1BN 22 0 51.865808 0.557698
CM7 1BP 12 0 51.871055 0.562078
CM7 1BQ 10 0 51.864596 0.559692
CM7 1BS 20 0 51.864537 0.55825
CM7 1BT 4 0 51.864629 0.557776
CM7 1BU 9 0 51.865044 0.557712
CM7 1BW 36 0 51.865851 0.558644
CM7 1BX 18 0 51.864794 0.555984
CM7 1BY 4 0 51.864338 0.556656
CM7 1BZ 14 0 51.864149 0.555832
CM7 1DA 29 0 51.864206 0.554862
CM7 1DB 31 0 51.86372 0.555735
CM7 1DD 37 0 51.864107 0.55779