all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 1DE 4 4 51.869497 0.561771
CM7 1DF 67 0 51.865297 0.563436
CM7 1DG 41 0 51.873172 0.55322
CM7 1DH 40 0 51.871505 0.554622
CM7 1DJ 26 0 51.87241 0.556416
CM7 1DL 9 0 51.870177 0.556566
CM7 1DN 10 0 51.870913 0.556622
CM7 1DP 36 0 51.870689 0.558251
CM7 1DQ 35 0 51.872592 0.554683
CM7 1DR 12 0 51.869464 0.559561
CM7 1DS 24 0 51.869251 0.55737
CM7 1DT 26 0 51.869794 0.558854
CM7 1DU 11 0 51.870004 0.557878
CM7 1DW 21 0 51.871494 0.556364
CM7 1DX 19 0 51.870034 0.556935
CM7 1DY 49 0 51.869926 0.554881
CM7 1DZ 21 0 51.869207 0.55606
CM7 1EA 38 0 51.870819 0.555542
CM7 1EB 33 0 51.87196 0.557277
CM7 1ED 16 0 51.872977 0.557247