all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2YN 71 55 51.886887 0.536178
CM7 2YP 11 10 51.881606 0.536246
CM7 2TG 29 0 51.881199 0.544258
CM7 2TT 39 0 51.881213 0.544884
CM7 2QX 21 0 51.880379 0.542672
CM7 2QZ 69 0 51.880607 0.540868
CM7 2QY 72 0 51.880841 0.540853
CM7 2NB 11 0 51.877692 0.538001
CM7 2PU 11 51.887682 0.532664
CM7 2AE 1 51.879035 0.540809
CM7 2AA 16 0 51.879024 0.542523
CM7 2AG 29 0 51.879416 0.542705
CM7 2AJ 14 0 51.879365 0.542164
CM7 2AH 14 0 51.879715 0.542634
CM7 2AN 7 0 51.88003 0.542623
CM7 2AF 15 0 51.879263 0.541897
CM7 2AL 2 2 51.880096 0.540431
CM7 2AQ 13 0 51.876061 0.542762
CM7 2AT 6 0 51.881227 0.540903
CM7 2AU 1 51.881066 0.549976