all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2SU 25 0 51.881152 0.541873
CM7 2SW 22 0 51.882863 0.54258
CM7 2SX 44 0 51.88191 0.543848
CM7 2SY 23 1 51.88318 0.546623
CM7 2SZ 37 0 51.882697 0.549821
CM7 2TA 47 0 51.884594 0.549913
CM7 2TB 35 0 51.883988 0.549589
CM7 2TD 74 0 51.885335 0.553415
CM7 2TE 52 0 51.881432 0.545536
CM7 2TF 12 0 51.880146 0.544315
CM7 2TH 29 4 51.881159 0.549457
CM7 2TJ 12 0 51.881977 0.546526
CM7 2TL 28 1 51.882326 0.546689
CM7 2TN 4 4 51.886397 0.537605
CM7 2TQ 8 0 51.866706 0.561497
CM7 2TS 23 0 51.882196 0.545158
CM7 2TU 7 0 51.880798 0.549496
CM7 2WB 6 0 51.881575 0.549307
CM7 2XJ 13 0 51.885342 0.555174
CM7 2YG 1 1 51.880997 0.536531