all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5NR 5 0 51.906978 0.57427
CM7 5NS 18 0 51.908497 0.574663
CM7 5NT 27 2 51.909788 0.578125
CM7 5NU 17 1 51.914127 0.580788
CM7 5NW 23 0 51.904074 0.572927
CM7 5NX 2 1 51.912862 0.580307
CM7 5NY 7 0 51.907072 0.573622
CM7 5NZ 19 0 51.915768 0.582656
CM7 5PA 5 0 51.919916 0.586297
CM7 5PB 19 1 51.915737 0.584457
CM7 5PE 3 0 51.916576 0.59009
CM7 5PF 1 1 51.91164 0.579394
CM7 5PG 24 1 51.9116 0.580438
CM7 5PH 5 0 51.904308 0.58114
CM7 5PJ 1 0 51.908867 0.556466
CM7 5PL 5 3 51.916723 0.560751
CM7 5PQ 2 0 51.909134 0.582172
CM7 5PU 11 0 51.886703 0.548392
CM7 5PX 16 0 51.885409 0.547926
CM7 5PY 16 1 51.886957 0.549539