all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5LL 1 1 51.905117 0.568407
CM7 5LN 15 0 51.904293 0.563301
CM7 5LP 18 0 51.906742 0.566493
CM7 5LQ 33 0 51.904746 0.561088
CM7 5LR 1 0 51.899558 0.555283
CM7 5LS 2 0 51.898675 0.560348
CM7 5LT 32 0 51.900413 0.555651
CM7 5LW 36 0 51.906202 0.566085
CM7 5LX 39 0 51.901502 0.555597
CM7 5LY 30 0 51.90181 0.556356
CM7 5LZ 6 0 51.902182 0.555345
CM7 5NA 14 0 51.902383 0.553539
CM7 5NB 12 0 51.900617 0.555358
CM7 5ND 1 0 51.901788 0.551542
CM7 5NF 8 0 51.905327 0.564988
CM7 5NH 2 0 51.898362 0.568137
CM7 5NJ 23 1 51.90233 0.571243
CM7 5NL 1 0 51.90382 0.571808
CM7 5NN 1 0 51.902546 0.570863
CM7 5NP 32 0 51.906608 0.575079