all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 9EF 28 2 51.881395 0.570426
CM7 9EG 28 0 51.881327 0.575159
CM7 9EH 22 1 51.880975 0.570271
CM7 9EJ 32 4 51.880756 0.56712
CM7 9EL 22 1 51.880448 0.563934
CM7 9EN 18 1 51.881072 0.567501
CM7 9EP 44 1 51.88051 0.560262
CM7 9EQ 16 0 51.881248 0.573033
CM7 9ER 25 3 51.880123 0.560676
CM7 9ES 3 1 51.88009 0.557651
CM7 9EU 25 1 51.881908 0.571646
CM7 9EW 9 0 51.880855 0.563898
CM7 9EX 49 0 51.88455 0.581156
CM7 9EY 26 0 51.88364 0.573852
CM7 9EZ 21 0 51.883273 0.574166
CM7 9FA 32 0 51.883121 0.579476
CM7 9FB 11 0 51.882227 0.580471
CM7 9FD 43 0 51.882314 0.583048
CM7 9FE 27 0 51.882103 0.579156
CM7 9FF 21 0 51.888103 0.57825