all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 9FG 20 0 51.886712 0.580597
CM7 9FH 60 1 51.884118 0.580347
CM7 9FJ 82 0 51.884739 0.582359
CM7 9FN 23 0 51.883519 0.581824
CM7 9FP 45 0 51.886552 0.5813
CM7 9FQ 18 0 51.886577 0.582609
CM7 9FR 23 0 51.883275 0.58351
CM7 9FS 16 0 51.887262 0.580105
CM7 9FT 5 0 51.882495 0.583015
CM7 9FW 16 0 51.883008 0.57806
CM7 9FX 32 0 51.888048 0.581168
CM7 9FY 7 0 51.887491 0.582371
CM7 9GB 4 1 51.880827 0.561805
CM7 9HA 9 0 51.88067 0.558701
CM7 9HB 1 1 51.881786 0.55288
CM7 9HJ 1 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM7 9JY 19 0 51.884136 0.561848
CM7 9JZ 46 0 51.885016 0.562741
CM7 9LA 6 0 51.882973 0.562785
CM7 9LB 5 0 51.882735 0.563004