all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 9ND 35 0 51.88223 0.567582
CM7 9NE 24 0 51.883002 0.566419
CM7 9NF 44 0 51.882676 0.568145
CM7 9NG 3 0 51.881566 0.56875
CM7 9NH 45 0 51.881754 0.565099
CM7 9NJ 10 0 51.881531 0.564199
CM7 9NL 17 0 51.885408 0.56413
CM7 9NQ 41 0 51.882362 0.565642
CM7 9PS 40 0 51.885103 0.582597
CM7 9PT 10 0 51.884365 0.583427
CM7 9RN 27 0 51.889551 0.563028
CM7 9RP 6 6 51.892082 0.569479
CM7 9RS 1 1 51.889686 0.560522
CM7 9RT 25 0 51.891479 0.562033
CM7 9RU 30 0 51.891532 0.561252
CM7 9RW 1 1 51.881115 0.552767
CM7 9RX 27 1 51.895644 0.565701
CM7 9RY 5 0 51.888754 0.561631
CM7 9RZ 32 0 51.894755 0.563993
CM7 9SB 13 0 51.891968 0.560708