all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 9LD 12 0 51.882761 0.564284
CM7 9LE 13 0 51.883378 0.564421
CM7 9LF 28 0 51.883125 0.569856
CM7 9LG 24 0 51.882398 0.570207
CM7 9LH 29 0 51.883595 0.570973
CM7 9LJ 33 0 51.885177 0.570583
CM7 9LL 48 0 51.885451 0.569596
CM7 9LN 19 0 51.884958 0.564611
CM7 9LP 48 0 51.885009 0.56883
CM7 9LQ 24 0 51.883487 0.570545
CM7 9LR 13 0 51.882708 0.563831
CM7 9LS 13 0 51.883587 0.56311
CM7 9LT 31 0 51.884192 0.563828
CM7 9LU 5 0 51.884673 0.565279
CM7 9LW 31 2 51.884833 0.566989
CM7 9LX 4 0 51.884302 0.565752
CM7 9LY 38 0 51.884174 0.569189
CM7 9LZ 24 0 51.884045 0.566842
CM7 9NA 24 0 51.883932 0.564176
CM7 9NB 17 0 51.883282 0.56552