all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 2AA 7 3 51.799087 0.641542
CM8 2AB 17 6 51.799191 0.640893
CM8 2AF 21 19 51.800577 0.64125
CM8 2AH 1 1 51.80075 0.641552
CM8 2AJ 1 1 51.799049 0.63964
CM8 2AP 20 15 51.800056 0.639234
CM8 2AQ 22 9 51.801089 0.641294
CM8 2AR 7 7 51.800176 0.640286
CM8 2AS 1 1 51.802562 0.644574
CM8 2AW 30 0 51.801536 0.640626
CM8 2AY 1 1 51.802512 0.643208
CM8 2AZ 2 2 51.802938 0.643868
CM8 2BA 3 2 51.803273 0.644137
CM8 2BB 3 3 51.799737 0.63984
CM8 2BD 13 9 51.799377 0.639847
CM8 2BH 10 0 51.798871 0.642327
CM8 2BJ 3 1 51.800931 0.6355
CM8 2BL 19 8 51.800815 0.642296
CM8 2BQ 7 0 51.803278 0.645109
CM8 2BS 44 1 51.80667 0.639868