all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 3AD 1 1 51.80075 0.641552
CM8 3AG 1 1 51.803565 0.647157
CM8 3AH 1 1 51.800952 0.650978
CM8 3AL 1 1 51.809254 0.646939
CM8 3AS 1 1 51.79669 0.648553
CM8 3BN 1 1 51.802667 0.647496
CM8 3BU 1 1 51.800218 0.648426
CM8 3BY 1 1 51.80323 0.648863
CM8 3BZ 1 1 51.802494 0.649616
CM8 3DE 1 1 51.806789 0.64736
CM8 3DG 1 1 51.799464 0.650354
CM8 3DH 20 4 51.804832 0.648406
CM8 3DJ 1 1 51.808213 0.649634
CM8 3DN 1 1 51.80075 0.641552
CM8 3TH 31 23 51.802798 0.648055
CM8 3DR 30 26 51.806923 0.646599
CM8 3DS 1 0 51.819615 0.684174
CM8 3DT 1 1 51.807396 0.648382
CM8 3DX 1 1 51.798439 0.64996
CM8 3DZ 1 1 51.796486 0.646423