all postcodes in CM9 / MALDON

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM9 4PT 0 51.741048 0.678702
CM9 4PW 0 51.739559 0.678135
CM9 4PX 0 51.740204 0.678231
CM9 4PY 2 51.731831 0.677056
CM9 4PZ 11 51.732158 0.678523
CM9 4QA 4 51.73388 0.678321
CM9 4QB 1 51.73184 0.677491
CM9 4QD 1 51.732991 0.677095
CM9 4QE 4 51.732234 0.676297
CM9 4QF 0 51.737358 0.691042
CM9 4QG 0 51.739206 0.679027
CM9 4QL 0 51.733477 0.677863
CM9 4QN 0 51.739778 0.679568
CM9 4QP 0 51.737874 0.713148
CM9 4QR 0 51.740235 0.693038
CM9 4QS 0 51.738017 0.697962
CM9 4QT 1 51.740381 0.703911
CM9 4QU 0 51.737401 0.705211
CM9 4QW 0 51.740353 0.677617
CM9 4QX 1 51.737763 0.711331