all postcodes in CM9 / MALDON

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM9 4NJ 6 51.73926 0.687996
CM9 4NL 3 51.740934 0.690385
CM9 4NN 0 51.740475 0.690778
CM9 4NP 0 51.739621 0.689989
CM9 4NR 0 51.741669 0.694022
CM9 4NS 0 51.741159 0.693078
CM9 4NT 0 51.741793 0.692942
CM9 4NU 0 51.739962 0.680202
CM9 4NW 2 51.740808 0.688799
CM9 4NX 5 51.735392 0.679077
CM9 4NY 0 51.74045 0.680477
CM9 4PA 0 51.737236 0.691643
CM9 4PB 0 51.73797 0.691006
CM9 4PD 0 51.736763 0.692599
CM9 4PE 0 51.737459 0.691338
CM9 4PG 0 51.741417 0.67713
CM9 4PN 0 51.74176 0.677831
CM9 4PQ 0 51.741756 0.676049
CM9 4PR 0 51.743213 0.690999
CM9 4PS 0 51.741194 0.675451