all postcodes in CO14 / WALTON ON THE NAZE

find any address or company within the CO14 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO14 8AA 9 51.849347 1.27172
CO14 8AB 4 51.849143 1.27095
CO14 8AD 6 51.849598 1.273365
CO14 8AE 4 51.849082 1.271541
CO14 8AF 2 51.849344 1.27246
CO14 8AH 3 51.848657 1.270958
CO14 8AL 3 51.848907 1.271354
CO14 8AN 2 51.848561 1.271982
CO14 8AP 3 51.848255 1.272149
CO14 8AR 1 51.84893 1.27214
CO14 8AS 2 51.849151 1.273245
CO14 8AT 6 51.850043 1.273862
CO14 8AW 8 51.848388 1.271578
CO14 8AX 0 51.849844 1.272932
CO14 8AY 0 51.849715 1.272385
CO14 8BB 8 51.848745 1.270703
CO14 8BD 4 51.848846 1.270333
CO14 8BE 1 51.848774 1.269979
CO14 8BG 4 51.848655 1.269738
CO14 8BH 5 51.848367 1.269746