all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

find any address or company within the CO10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 1UD 37 0 52.043035 0.732373
CO10 1UE 23 0 52.043362 0.733164
CO10 1UG 24 0 52.043795 0.73233
CO10 1UH 29 0 52.042391 0.730072
CO10 1UJ 32 0 52.042613 0.731354
CO10 1UL 12 0 52.041971 0.731869
CO10 1UN 31 1 52.041474 0.731197
CO10 1UP 2 0 52.04174 0.732367
CO10 1UQ 24 0 52.042886 0.731181
CO10 1UR 16 0 52.041961 0.732306
CO10 1US 10 0 52.041722 0.733124
CO10 1UW 16 0 52.042289 0.731728
CO10 1UY 4 0 52.04269 0.733444
CO10 1WA 29 0 52.048199 0.738258
CO10 1WB 34 0 52.048505 0.737854
CO10 1WD 52 0 52.048984 0.736994
CO10 1WE 50 0 52.049931 0.736847
CO10 1WF 10 0 52.051086 0.732805
CO10 1WG 23 0 52.049722 0.735799
CO10 1WH 33 28 52.051877 0.737332