all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 1WJ 35 0 52.051262 0.724472
CO10 1WL 26 0 52.050698 0.734415
CO10 1WN 23 0 52.050742 0.731369
CO10 1WQ 21 0 52.049234 0.739766
CO10 1XP 1 0 52.052036 0.727744
CO10 1XR 11 2 52.046165 0.717585
CO10 1XS 2 0 52.045337 0.71488
CO10 1XT 5 1 52.051909 0.717451
CO10 1XU 4 1 52.053553 0.717522
CO10 1YD 41 0 52.050518 0.741391
CO10 1YE 42 0 52.050064 0.741582
CO10 1YF 14 0 52.049327 0.742339
CO10 1YP 7 0 52.049822 0.726061
CO10 1YR 5 0 52.05126 0.722984
CO10 1YS 12 0 52.052136 0.722439
CO10 1YT 7 0 52.043813 0.735264
CO10 1YU 30 0 52.045121 0.739908
CO10 1YX 16 0 52.051104 0.740157
CO10 1YY 39 0 52.051354 0.738714
CO10 1YZ 70 0 52.048437 0.739994