all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 2BP 19 1 52.03499 0.720509
CO10 2BQ 4 0 52.036225 0.72449
CO10 2BS 1 0 52.034522 0.720318
CO10 2BT 26 0 52.034285 0.717958
CO10 2BU 6 0 52.033561 0.717169
CO10 2BW 5 0 52.035157 0.72323
CO10 2BX 14 0 52.033658 0.716666
CO10 2BY 1 0 52.036779 0.729278
CO10 2BZ 2 1 52.033355 0.715773
CO10 2DA 35 3 52.034234 0.717253
CO10 2DB 23 1 52.032855 0.716966
CO10 2DG 4 0 52.035138 0.721697
CO10 2DH 5 0 52.035625 0.72126
CO10 2DJ 24 1 52.036134 0.72221
CO10 2DL 18 2 52.035554 0.721591
CO10 2DP 32 0 52.037 0.722467
CO10 2DR 12 0 52.037695 0.722363
CO10 2DS 2 0 52.037691 0.723123
CO10 2DT 3 0 52.037746 0.723256
CO10 2DU 6 0 52.037415 0.724329