all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 1HU 2 0 51.943056 1.085567
CO11 1HX 2 0 51.942858 1.085233
CO11 1HY 2 0 51.942741 1.085269
CO11 1HZ 2 0 51.942605 1.085303
CO11 1JA 9 0 51.942258 1.085352
CO11 1JB 2 0 51.941888 1.08553
CO11 1JD 4 0 51.941588 1.085509
CO11 1JE 9 1 51.942892 1.084988
CO11 1JF 7 0 51.942276 1.085004
CO11 1JG 4 0 51.942384 1.084996
CO11 1JH 4 0 51.94195 1.085083
CO11 1JJ 2 0 51.941783 1.085086
CO11 1JL 2 0 51.941665 1.085107
CO11 1JN 2 0 51.941557 1.085129
CO11 1JP 2 0 51.941339 1.085201
CO11 1JQ 6 0 51.942185 1.084328
CO11 1JR 2 0 51.941252 1.085108
CO11 1JS 2 0 51.941142 1.085159
CO11 1JT 2 0 51.941853 1.085862
CO11 1JW 2 0 51.941448 1.085165