all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 1QJ 1 0 51.95281 1.051463
CO11 1QL 14 1 51.956311 1.05828
CO11 1QP 12 0 51.956898 1.058189
CO11 1QQ 7 0 51.95862 1.062878
CO11 1QR 4 0 51.958889 1.050609
CO11 1QS 3 0 51.959077 1.050302
CO11 1QT 18 9 51.959197 1.049116
CO11 1QU 2 0 51.95634 1.059054
CO11 1QW 2 0 51.957261 1.056147
CO11 1QX 13 0 51.957902 1.060922
CO11 1QY 34 0 51.957937 1.063035
CO11 1QZ 6 0 51.960224 1.046973
CO11 1RA 2 0 51.960453 1.047193
CO11 1RB 2 0 51.960519 1.047066
CO11 1RD 1 0 51.963372 1.043518
CO11 1RE 3 2 51.956778 1.057774
CO11 1RF 15 0 51.957702 1.057895
CO11 1RG 11 1 51.957157 1.057377
CO11 1RH 9 2 51.958691 1.057904
CO11 1RJ 2 1 51.959333 1.058108