all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 2DY 39 1 51.938603 1.051822
CO11 2DZ 8 0 51.938663 1.052627
CO11 2EA 16 0 51.939734 1.051768
CO11 2EB 28 0 51.940026 1.052632
CO11 2ED 26 0 51.940143 1.054008
CO11 2EE 12 0 51.937317 1.04993
CO11 2EF 18 2 51.937954 1.047238
CO11 2EG 33 0 51.936539 1.048379
CO11 2EH 1 1 51.938117 1.04511
CO11 2EJ 50 0 51.939747 1.04605
CO11 2EL 3 0 51.940888 1.046797
CO11 2EP 15 0 51.938731 1.047073
CO11 2ER 10 0 51.93796 1.049072
CO11 2ES 25 0 51.938761 1.049039
CO11 2ET 21 0 51.939485 1.047502
CO11 2EU 19 0 51.939913 1.049714
CO11 2EW 17 0 51.94058 1.047576
CO11 2EX 14 0 51.938833 1.048374
CO11 2EY 26 0 51.939755 1.04851
CO11 2EZ 4 0 51.940671 1.048587