all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 2GJ 3 0 51.938181 1.170342
CO11 2GL 4 0 51.912127 1.145149
CO11 2GZ 3 0 51.939641 1.034853
CO11 2HA 21 0 51.945196 1.049941
CO11 2HB 39 0 51.94595 1.050327
CO11 2HD 8 0 51.940643 1.049676
CO11 2HE 18 0 51.945938 1.053208
CO11 2HF 24 0 51.94686 1.053722
CO11 2HG 8 0 51.946157 1.047911
CO11 2HH 7 1 51.941428 1.063044
CO11 2HJ 7 0 51.941369 1.063273
CO11 2HL 37 0 51.942394 1.063256
CO11 2HN 12 0 51.939848 1.061554
CO11 2HP 6 0 51.94237 1.061784
CO11 2HQ 34 0 51.945349 1.048191
CO11 2HR 21 0 51.938233 1.052932
CO11 2HS 31 1 51.937664 1.0525
CO11 2HT 17 0 51.944015 1.056614
CO11 2HU 37 0 51.94436 1.055124
CO11 2HW 12 0 51.945252 1.054369