all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 2PL 11 3 51.910433 1.053793
CO11 2PP 7 0 51.90895 1.044066
CO11 2PR 2 0 51.903555 1.045882
CO11 2PS 4 0 51.913933 1.053755
CO11 2PX 15 0 51.915337 1.049225
CO11 2PY 13 0 51.916072 1.046177
CO11 2PZ 26 0 51.918053 1.04541
CO11 2QA 6 0 51.919798 1.041208
CO11 2QB 3 0 51.916556 1.034066
CO11 2QE 7 0 51.919566 1.051897
CO11 2QF 6 0 51.921199 1.046495
CO11 2QH 9 1 51.936438 1.095996
CO11 2QJ 8 0 51.934561 1.093975
CO11 2QL 8 1 51.933374 1.093966
CO11 2QN 7 0 51.931547 1.098991
CO11 2QP 19 0 51.930729 1.104099
CO11 2QR 33 0 51.928065 1.10246
CO11 2QS 24 0 51.926618 1.103452
CO11 2QT 9 0 51.925214 1.104155
CO11 2QU 2 0 51.925434 1.103821