all postcodes in CO11 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO11 2QW 5 0 51.931104 1.101114
CO11 2QX 21 0 51.925522 1.101689
CO11 2QY 19 0 51.925074 1.098879
CO11 2QZ 4 0 51.924251 1.097702
CO11 2RA 23 0 51.92718 1.098137
CO11 2RB 25 0 51.924421 1.105249
CO11 2RD 6 0 51.927019 1.102199
CO11 2RE 9 0 51.923011 1.10617
CO11 2RF 2 0 51.922545 1.106953
CO11 2RG 3 0 51.922028 1.10696
CO11 2RH 1 1 51.916814 1.112302
CO11 2RJ 2 0 51.910507 1.113917
CO11 2RL 1 0 51.906182 1.118793
CO11 2RN 4 1 51.907413 1.121205
CO11 2RP 4 0 51.908541 1.127521
CO11 2RR 18 0 51.910424 1.134807
CO11 2RS 26 5 51.911924 1.139595
CO11 2RT 23 0 51.911522 1.139857
CO11 2RU 31 2 51.910246 1.143171
CO11 2RW 11 0 51.911773 1.141562