all postcodes in CO16 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO16 8RD 16 0 51.803295 1.080404
CO16 8RE 17 0 51.802668 1.080317
CO16 8RF 16 0 51.803037 1.079269
CO16 8RG 14 0 51.804055 1.082298
CO16 8RH 2 0 51.798006 1.078159
CO16 8RJ 3 0 51.797849 1.07819
CO16 8RL 2 0 51.797767 1.078331
CO16 8RN 7 2 51.798965 1.077934
CO16 8RP 20 2 51.798471 1.078145
CO16 8RQ 26 0 51.803672 1.080806
CO16 8RR 5 0 51.798641 1.078623
CO16 8RS 14 0 51.7976 1.079449
CO16 8RT 7 0 51.797214 1.078741
CO16 8RU 28 0 51.796818 1.080484
CO16 8RX 9 0 51.792394 1.081792
CO16 8RY 28 0 51.79782 1.081017
CO16 8RZ 10 0 51.796174 1.084458
CO16 8SA 3 0 51.794516 1.093558
CO16 8SB 16 0 51.794823 1.084963
CO16 8SD 12 7 51.786557 1.0866