all postcodes in CO4 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO4 9FF 62 1 51.919031 0.918123
CO4 9FG 1 1 51.918536 0.922484
CO4 9FJ 54 0 51.915512 0.923291
CO4 9FL 32 0 51.915093 0.924601
CO4 9FN 28 0 51.91702 0.917964
CO4 9FP 23 0 51.918749 0.913916
CO4 9FR 29 0 51.918551 0.913176
CO4 9FS 32 0 51.917088 0.922128
CO4 9FT 11 0 51.917653 0.921815
CO4 9FU 23 0 51.918959 0.914512
CO4 9FW 14 0 51.918686 0.917912
CO4 9FX 14 0 51.917943 0.91193
CO4 9FY 20 0 51.918244 0.918669
CO4 9GB 26 0 51.908213 0.920257
CO4 9GD 7 0 51.908471 0.919271
CO4 9GF 2 2 51.915835 0.919124
CO4 9GN 1 1 51.922 0.927145
CO4 9GP 25 0 51.918123 0.921017
CO4 9HA 1 1 51.914923 0.928895
CO4 9HB 8 2 51.917623 0.931486