all postcodes in CO4 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO4 9QR 6 6 51.921967 0.931493
CO4 9QS 6 6 51.920794 0.929699
CO4 9QT 1 0 51.921046 0.928596
CO4 9QU 22 0 51.912539 0.919171
CO4 9QW 1 1 51.919887 0.923502
CO4 9QX 12 12 51.919455 0.923999
CO4 9QY 11 11 51.918937 0.927849
CO4 9QZ 12 0 51.912146 0.919422
CO4 9RB 30 0 51.912441 0.924894
CO4 9RD 42 0 51.910962 0.92506
CO4 9RE 40 0 51.911185 0.925889
CO4 9RF 18 0 51.911427 0.926995
CO4 9RG 57 0 51.913035 0.921632
CO4 9RH 42 0 51.912729 0.924549
CO4 9RJ 28 0 51.911752 0.920065
CO4 9RL 50 0 51.914055 0.922934
CO4 9RN 47 0 51.911541 0.922044
CO4 9RP 46 0 51.912482 0.921814
CO4 9RQ 19 0 51.90585 0.917603
CO4 9RR 64 0 51.913658 0.925148