all postcodes in CO5 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO5 0RR 19 1 51.800492 0.765762
CO5 0RS 39 0 51.814834 0.755512
CO5 0RT 9 0 51.798189 0.767681
CO5 0RU 10 0 51.797968 0.768697
CO5 0RW 12 0 51.815077 0.754757
CO5 0RX 58 0 51.802036 0.762056
CO5 0RY 3 0 51.802116 0.763236
CO5 0RZ 4 0 51.81419 0.759608
CO5 0SA 12 0 51.801116 0.759128
CO5 0SB 1 0 51.802938 0.75966
CO5 0SD 14 2 51.795483 0.755419
CO5 0SF 42 0 51.812821 0.7589
CO5 0SG 8 0 51.789382 0.753655
CO5 0SH 8 0 51.813019 0.758506
CO5 0SJ 4 0 51.78833 0.750922
CO5 0SL 27 0 51.812366 0.759148
CO5 0SP 35 0 51.810314 0.747285
CO5 0SQ 9 0 51.812632 0.756219
CO5 0ST 1 1 51.811014 0.750447
CO5 0SU 41 17 51.812211 0.74962