all postcodes in CO5 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO5 0UA 13 0 51.813314 0.742447
CO5 0UB 30 0 51.813675 0.740075
CO5 0UD 2 1 51.816185 0.73313
CO5 0UE 2 0 51.814346 0.737183
CO5 0UG 7 0 51.817858 0.731927
CO5 0UH 7 0 51.81666 0.734348
CO5 0UL 4 0 51.815618 0.727699
CO5 0UN 1 0 51.817142 0.730229
CO5 0UP 9 1 51.810409 0.750541
CO5 0US 3 0 51.822122 0.726061
CO5 0XA 18 0 51.811971 0.744527
CO5 0SE 11 0 51.80797 0.754846
CO5 0GW 0 51.811632 0.766648
CO5 0WY 1 0 51.816996 0.745399
CO5 0SW 64 0 51.810964 0.745641
CO5 0LZ 14 0 51.818857 0.742697
CO5 0SN 0 51.811936 0.750256
CO5 0FL 0 51.808415 0.749665
CO5 0DF 0 51.809483 0.758203
CO5 0FJ 8 0 51.806977 0.751536