all postcodes in CO6 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO6 2DQ 10 0 51.921991 0.75893
CO6 2DR 8 0 51.928221 0.759414
CO6 2DS 51 1 51.924764 0.756133
CO6 2DT 6 0 51.920994 0.753909
CO6 2DU 38 0 51.920141 0.753828
CO6 2DW 8 1 51.923432 0.762291
CO6 2DX 11 0 51.918805 0.752117
CO6 2DZ 3 0 51.916336 0.758089
CO6 2EA 3 0 51.913404 0.749257
CO6 2EB 13 0 51.911691 0.751362
CO6 2ED 6 0 51.912275 0.748301
CO6 2EE 18 1 51.912055 0.748635
CO6 2EG 2 0 51.908037 0.745831
CO6 2EH 1 0 51.917416 0.748062
CO6 2EJ 2 0 51.911761 0.742321
CO6 2EL 1 0 51.913952 0.738892
CO6 2EN 6 0 51.920928 0.763592
CO6 2EP 5 0 51.941639 0.688734
CO6 2ER 36 12 51.933176 0.688737
CO6 2ES 10 1 51.940034 0.688216