all postcodes in CO6 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO6 2HX 10 0 51.936774 0.703342
CO6 2HY 11 1 51.940389 0.69186
CO6 2HZ 16 0 51.94083 0.68675
CO6 2JA 24 0 51.942072 0.687494
CO6 2JB 12 0 51.940952 0.682974
CO6 2JD 0 51.941392 0.686158
CO6 2JE 0 51.941615 0.683872
CO6 2JG 1 51.942951 0.673766
CO6 2JH 0 51.945894 0.665355
CO6 2JJ 0 51.939121 0.670163
CO6 2JL 0 51.936452 0.672841
CO6 2JP 0 51.923247 0.706019
CO6 2JQ 0 51.943742 0.673377
CO6 2JR 0 51.921398 0.705486
CO6 2JS 0 51.915455 0.702787
CO6 2JT 0 51.914974 0.694251
CO6 2JU 0 51.910819 0.696969
CO6 2JX 12 51.907368 0.696223
CO6 2JY 1 51.908939 0.695446
CO6 2JZ 0 51.903259 0.695672