all postcodes in CO7 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO7 6HS 9 3 51.94781 0.9592
CO7 6HU 11 1 51.937028 0.951391
CO7 6HW 6 1 51.96022 0.974561
CO7 6HX 11 5 51.94292 0.957089
CO7 6HZ 13 0 51.94892 0.967962
CO7 6JA 1 0 51.954477 0.966946
CO7 6JD 2 0 51.959245 0.991573
CO7 6JH 17 0 51.969758 0.977058
CO7 6JJ 22 0 51.970179 0.976387
CO7 6JL 2 0 51.968342 0.975784
CO7 6JN 14 0 51.969831 0.973437
CO7 6JQ 8 0 51.968733 0.974893
CO7 6JR 9 1 51.968145 0.972553
CO7 6JS 32 1 51.966258 0.972108
CO7 6JT 3 0 51.96269 0.970969
CO7 6JU 17 0 51.971977 0.97234
CO7 6JW 14 0 51.969697 0.97519
CO7 6JX 2 1 51.976097 0.972483
CO7 6JY 6 0 51.97958 0.962752
CO7 6JZ 17 0 51.981093 0.957681