all postcodes in CO7 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO7 6LA 4 0 51.980525 0.956639
CO7 6LB 5 0 51.982238 0.961864
CO7 6LD 9 0 51.986364 0.959063
CO7 6LE 2 0 51.989803 0.955357
CO7 6LF 6 0 51.996305 0.960927
CO7 6LH 4 0 51.969109 0.973185
CO7 6LJ 5 0 51.97042 0.977553
CO7 6LN 1 1 51.970051 0.978096
CO7 6LP 1 0 51.971577 0.980848
CO7 6LR 5 0 51.97117 0.980791
CO7 6LS 3 0 51.972306 0.986182
CO7 6LT 4 0 51.970819 0.990189
CO7 6LU 5 0 51.97123 0.988528
CO7 6LW 18 2 51.970373 0.979385
CO7 6LX 2 0 51.969454 0.993302
CO7 6LY 1 0 51.967435 0.992061
CO7 6LZ 11 1 51.972356 0.980637
CO7 6NA 2 0 51.975126 0.981346
CO7 6NB 1 0 51.975227 0.975236
CO7 6ND 20 0 51.982863 0.96559