all postcodes in CO9 / HALSTEAD

find any address or company within the CO9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO9 3JD 10 0 51.975935 0.59063
CO9 3JE 21 0 51.976061 0.588992
CO9 3JG 15 0 51.975273 0.588466
CO9 3JH 15 0 51.975304 0.586604
CO9 3JJ 2 0 51.974415 0.589509
CO9 3JL 23 0 51.974182 0.590602
CO9 3JN 6 0 51.973356 0.591777
CO9 3JP 48 0 51.974595 0.592286
CO9 3JR 43 0 51.973199 0.589933
CO9 3JS 33 0 51.974453 0.587312
CO9 3JT 8 0 51.975066 0.593027
CO9 3JU 18 0 51.974379 0.587774
CO9 3JW 30 0 51.973982 0.592774
CO9 3JX 16 0 51.973803 0.589051
CO9 3JZ 8 0 51.973657 0.589974
CO9 3LA 10 1 51.977264 0.577222
CO9 3LB 20 2 51.977029 0.576029
CO9 3LD 6 0 51.975228 0.566679
CO9 3LE 9 0 51.981823 0.579363
CO9 3LG 25 0 51.982217 0.567851