all postcodes in CO9 / HALSTEAD

find any address or company within the CO9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO9 3LH 20 0 51.984099 0.568162
CO9 3LJ 2 0 51.976752 0.554564
CO9 3LL 3 0 51.986671 0.567756
CO9 3LN 13 0 51.988527 0.554782
CO9 3LP 7 0 51.987703 0.542558
CO9 3LR 5 0 51.987964 0.53596
CO9 3LS 4 0 51.981271 0.53682
CO9 3LT 3 0 51.978055 0.54373
CO9 3LU 7 0 51.97052 0.54077
CO9 3LX 3 0 51.970075 0.547224
CO9 3LZ 10 8 51.963211 0.545684
CO9 3NA 3 0 51.969864 0.555307
CO9 3ND 26 0 51.977156 0.591545
CO9 3NE 16 0 51.977113 0.590261
CO9 3NF 24 0 51.976411 0.588619
CO9 3NG 34 0 51.976257 0.591551
CO9 3NJ 29 0 51.977637 0.589301
CO9 3NL 1 0 51.975903 0.586798
CO9 3NN 6 0 51.976742 0.586643
CO9 3NP 7 0 51.975917 0.586159