all postcodes in CR5 / COULSDON

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Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR5 2BE 23 2 51.324452 -0.132877
CR5 2BF 26 1 51.326115 -0.13051
CR5 2BG 34 0 51.323913 -0.135666
CR5 2BH 50 0 51.324345 -0.136839
CR5 2BJ 35 0 51.324313 -0.135994
CR5 2BL 51 0 51.326399 -0.132579
CR5 2BN 43 0 51.322623 -0.137773
CR5 2BP 3 0 51.327303 -0.133389
CR5 2DA 27 0 51.321721 -0.139331
CR5 2DB 23 2 51.321571 -0.138818
CR5 2DD 8 0 51.32178 -0.142383
CR5 2DE 18 0 51.321553 -0.145621
CR5 2DF 8 0 51.322438 -0.148126
CR5 2DG 28 0 51.32154 -0.141991
CR5 2DH 12 0 51.321348 -0.146333
CR5 2DJ 8 0 51.320884 -0.143725
CR5 2DL 7 0 51.322341 -0.148847
CR5 2DN 17 0 51.322594 -0.142637
CR5 2DP 23 0 51.32358 -0.142453
CR5 2DQ 15 0 51.322543 -0.14627