all postcodes in CR5 / COULSDON

find any address or company within the CR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR5 2DR 9 1 51.323235 -0.141707
CR5 2DS 7 0 51.322275 -0.145836
CR5 2DT 28 0 51.321964 -0.144356
CR5 2DU 30 0 51.321892 -0.150042
CR5 2DW 31 0 51.321547 -0.149783
CR5 2DX 8 0 51.323519 -0.144867
CR5 2DY 4 0 51.323158 -0.146004
CR5 2EA 26 0 51.324525 -0.14197
CR5 2EB 26 0 51.324196 -0.142199
CR5 2ED 20 1 51.329421 -0.139347
CR5 2EE 24 0 51.325354 -0.141463
CR5 2EF 26 0 51.325001 -0.141937
CR5 2EG 28 0 51.326171 -0.141373
CR5 2EH 8 1 51.330778 -0.13932
CR5 2EJ 26 0 51.325769 -0.141547
CR5 2EL 24 0 51.327144 -0.140946
CR5 2EN 28 0 51.326735 -0.141221
CR5 2EP 8 0 51.327767 -0.138854
CR5 2HA 4 0 51.313991 -0.135494
CR5 2HB 38 0 51.311867 -0.131448