all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 1JG 3 0 51.315112 1.245755
CT3 1JH 8 0 51.263856 1.255876
CT3 1JL 13 3 51.280488 1.235438
CT3 1JN 4 0 51.279779 1.23929
CT3 1JP 9 0 51.279057 1.240659
CT3 1JQ 6 0 51.263675 1.249454
CT3 1JR 8 1 51.279074 1.248161
CT3 1JS 4 0 51.275184 1.253421
CT3 1JT 5 0 51.278442 1.253093
CT3 1JU 6 1 51.268069 1.259615
CT3 1JW 3 2 51.279137 1.236806
CT3 1JX 24 0 51.265806 1.257146
CT3 1JY 4 0 51.255895 1.247472
CT3 1JZ 2 0 51.262373 1.256401
CT3 1LA 3 0 51.262944 1.255037
CT3 1LB 8 1 51.261846 1.258916
CT3 1LD 7 2 51.259325 1.26354
CT3 1LE 16 1 51.261827 1.265008
CT3 1LF 1 0 51.260588 1.265321
CT3 1LG 11 1 51.263686 1.266502