all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 1LH 27 1 51.26448 1.261468
CT3 1LJ 11 0 51.263679 1.255118
CT3 1LL 25 0 51.263062 1.253368
CT3 1LN 19 1 51.263797 1.250896
CT3 1LP 20 0 51.265471 1.239172
CT3 1LQ 1 0 51.26364 1.265552
CT3 1LR 3 0 51.265984 1.23006
CT3 1LS 1 1 51.266748 1.231261
CT3 1NQ 7 1 51.26937 1.223931
CT3 1LU 2 0 51.268992 1.221654
CT3 1LW 6 0 51.268418 1.250319
CT3 1LX 5 0 51.268737 1.220905
CT3 1LY 7 0 51.268867 1.181325
CT3 1LZ 7 1 51.269613 1.18433
CT3 1NA 4 0 51.264655 1.18998
CT3 1NB 16 3 51.267004 1.189928
CT3 1ND 2 0 51.266186 1.230232
CT3 1NE 7 0 51.27335 1.214086
CT3 1NG 3 0 51.265352 1.197097
CT3 1NF 1 0 51.270669 1.202643