all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 6SP 0 52.511638 -1.447139
CV11 6SQ 8 52.513169 -1.447862
CV11 6SR 0 52.512163 -1.447751
CV11 6SS 0 52.512523 -1.446081
CV11 6ST 0 52.513705 -1.447024
CV11 6SU 0 52.511247 -1.444153
CV11 6SX 0 52.52582 -1.438574
CV11 6SY 0 52.524761 -1.446517
CV11 6SZ 0 52.524535 -1.448244
CV11 6TA 0 52.507378 -1.428495
CV11 6TB 0 52.507086 -1.427586
CV11 6TD 0 52.505769 -1.426542
CV11 6TE 1 52.504404 -1.428799
CV11 6TF 0 52.505159 -1.426904
CV11 6TG 0 52.50386 -1.42779
CV11 6TH 0 52.505155 -1.427979
CV11 6TJ 1 52.517095 -1.447085
CV11 6TL 0 52.505881 -1.427542
CV11 6TN 0 52.523456 -1.448258
CV11 6TP 0 52.506846 -1.424362