all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 1FR 0 52.38437 -1.260623
CV21 1FP 0 52.384337 -1.262429
CV21 1GD 0 52.384581 -1.262557
CV21 1GE 8 0 52.382505 -1.254144
CV21 1GF 6 0 52.38271 -1.253876
CV21 1GG 6 0 52.382582 -1.253481
CV21 1GH 8 0 52.382299 -1.254294
CV21 1GJ 6 0 52.382404 -1.253734
CV21 1GL 6 0 52.382172 -1.253973
CV21 1GN 5 5 52.384428 -1.25833
CV21 1NR 29 0 52.394228 -1.251154
CV21 1GP 0 52.383558 -1.25304
CV21 1GR 0 52.382307 -1.252797
CV21 1GT 0 52.382839 -1.253023
CV21 1UP 1 0 52.397431 -1.253233
CV21 1BD 1 1 52.384472 -1.255168
CV21 1FU 6 0 52.383204 -1.258262
CV21 1GU 3 0 52.382804 -1.25752
CV21 1GW 6 0 52.383019 -1.258794
CV21 1HZ 10 0 52.382446 -1.259142