all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 2EZ 4 2 52.376001 -1.27087
CV21 2BQ 10 0 52.373426 -1.268842
CV21 2BS 64 0 52.375686 -1.269406
CV21 2BT 26 0 52.374164 -1.271899
CV21 2BU 37 2 52.374449 -1.272864
CV21 2BW 53 0 52.375108 -1.271855
CV21 2BX 16 0 52.374964 -1.273355
CV21 2BY 39 0 52.375554 -1.272787
CV21 2BZ 33 0 52.375534 -1.27245
CV21 2DA 23 0 52.374299 -1.27344
CV21 2DB 10 1 52.372806 -1.274622
CV21 2DH 1 1 52.377094 -1.264432
CV21 2DN 5 5 52.37176 -1.265461
CV21 2DP 1 1 52.373111 -1.265821
CV21 2DQ 3 2 52.374337 -1.266417
CV21 2DT 1 1 52.37472 -1.264264
CV21 2DU 7 7 52.371424 -1.266363
CV21 2DW 1 1 52.372232 -1.266158
CV21 2DY 20 5 52.371514 -1.267889
CV21 2DZ 4 2 52.371337 -1.268227