all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 2JG 2 2 52.37459 -1.279796
CV21 2JH 10 0 52.375653 -1.28016
CV21 2JJ 61 1 52.3754 -1.278446
CV21 2JL 35 0 52.376309 -1.277167
CV21 2JN 36 0 52.375969 -1.275895
CV21 2JP 41 1 52.375784 -1.273412
CV21 2JQ 25 0 52.37486 -1.27985
CV21 2JR 20 18 52.373157 -1.26319
CV21 2JS 12 7 52.373877 -1.263237
CV21 2JT 18 17 52.373584 -1.26371
CV21 2JU 21 0 52.372487 -1.268211
CV21 2JW 34 0 52.375601 -1.274535
CV21 2LA 1 1 52.379803 -1.250443
CV21 2LE 11 1 52.375008 -1.265965
CV21 2LF 6 0 52.375287 -1.265826
CV21 2LJ 2 2 52.376107 -1.264728
CV21 2LN 1 1 52.37613 -1.26399
CV21 2LP 48 0 52.375901 -1.266303
CV21 2LQ 15 1 52.375678 -1.265234
CV21 2LR 37 0 52.377071 -1.266563