all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0SY 0 52.387224 -1.172823
CV23 0SZ 0 52.386275 -1.160602
CV23 0TA 0 52.382057 -1.219581
CV23 0TB 5 52.413514 -1.21813
CV23 0TD 0 52.383127 -1.223632
CV23 0TE 0 52.386817 -1.176402
CV23 0TG 0 52.386605 -1.174393
CV23 0TH 1 52.423497 -1.331642
CV23 0TJ 0 52.395755 -1.23968
CV23 0TL 0 52.396145 -1.240275
CV23 0TP 0 52.396126 -1.241466
CV23 0TR 0 52.396095 -1.236617
CV23 0TS 0 52.39541 -1.236394
CV23 0TT 0 52.394081 -1.239488
CV23 0TU 0 52.394307 -1.238161
CV23 0TX 0 52.393483 -1.238749
CV23 0UA 0 52.394999 -1.242353
CV23 0UB 0 52.394227 -1.242542
CV23 0UD 0 52.394019 -1.236756
CV23 0UE 0 52.394925 -1.24494