all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0RS 1 0 52.483273 -1.312982
CV23 0RT 3 0 52.472437 -1.31873
CV23 0RU 1 0 52.456566 -1.296484
CV23 0RX 7 0 52.448708 -1.296535
CV23 0RY 3 0 52.445615 -1.313284
CV23 0SA 7 0 52.443653 -1.317463
CV23 0SD 0 52.396151 -1.238438
CV23 0SE 0 52.395496 -1.238655
CV23 0SF 0 52.39372 -1.235071
CV23 0SG 0 52.392843 -1.23563
CV23 0SH 1 52.458474 -1.27167
CV23 0SJ 0 52.459306 -1.27095
CV23 0SL 1 52.463455 -1.290899
CV23 0SP 1 52.387993 -1.176322
CV23 0SQ 2 52.468423 -1.282977
CV23 0SR 0 52.387649 -1.175857
CV23 0SS 1 52.38618 -1.175401
CV23 0ST 1 52.387583 -1.17411
CV23 0SU 0 52.388398 -1.174873
CV23 0SX 0 52.389137 -1.173831