all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0LG 29 0 52.413527 -1.359344
CV23 0LH 1 0 52.41336 -1.360175
CV23 0LJ 15 0 52.414764 -1.357047
CV23 0LL 13 0 52.416603 -1.356271
CV23 0LN 35 5 52.410805 -1.361295
CV23 0LP 7 0 52.413801 -1.356841
CV23 0LQ 3 0 52.412993 -1.36043
CV23 0LR 11 2 52.413298 -1.35851
CV23 0LS 49 5 52.410888 -1.361754
CV23 0LT 2 0 52.412011 -1.36162
CV23 0LU 3 0 52.41228 -1.361421
CV23 0LW 3 0 52.410169 -1.361794
CV23 0LX 14 0 52.412667 -1.361518
CV23 0LY 7 0 52.408692 -1.361281
CV23 0LZ 5 0 52.40976 -1.356018
CV23 0NA 1 1 52.407498 -1.356668
CV23 0NB 5 0 52.400951 -1.359629
CV23 0ND 3 0 52.40495 -1.357709
CV23 0NE 38 1 52.410704 -1.366079
CV23 0NF 27 0 52.411867 -1.37012