all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 0NG 1 0 52.413196 -1.373051
CV23 0NH 14 0 52.409096 -1.36303
CV23 0NJ 2 1 52.411392 -1.382221
CV23 0NL 40 0 52.410615 -1.36955
CV23 0NN 12 0 52.410492 -1.368474
CV23 0NP 26 0 52.410545 -1.366508
CV23 0NQ 14 1 52.418686 -1.375841
CV23 0NR 39 0 52.409074 -1.367185
CV23 0NS 16 0 52.409766 -1.365485
CV23 0NT 22 0 52.409582 -1.368016
CV23 0NU 6 0 52.41153 -1.370845
CV23 0NW 22 0 52.411282 -1.369879
CV23 0NX 20 0 52.406933 -1.370332
CV23 0NY 4 0 52.410875 -1.367762
CV23 0NZ 9 0 52.409175 -1.364204
CV23 0PE 26 1 52.429146 -1.337091
CV23 0PF 32 1 52.42804 -1.338691
CV23 0PH 9 0 52.435188 -1.327611
CV23 0PJ 12 2 52.437773 -1.333206
CV23 0PL 2 0 52.439275 -1.343059