all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 5HR 0 52.299797 -1.534074
CV32 5HS 0 52.290943 -1.538298
CV32 5HT 0 52.290905 -1.538625
CV32 5HW 4 52.290108 -1.541682
CV32 5HX 0 52.29456 -1.534565
CV32 5HY 0 52.290049 -1.542665
CV32 5HZ 2 52.28953 -1.543433
CV32 5JA 0 52.289481 -1.544504
CV32 5JB 0 52.289351 -1.545927
CV32 5JE 1 52.287561 -1.549577
CV32 5JF 0 52.290249 -1.545713
CV32 5JG 2 52.290044 -1.548339
CV32 5JH 0 52.28919 -1.548509
CV32 5JJ 1 52.289933 -1.55246
CV32 5JL 0 52.289087 -1.547337
CV32 5JP 1 52.291718 -1.536472
CV32 5JQ 1 52.290072 -1.548647
CV32 5JR 6 52.29215 -1.536482
CV32 5JS 8 52.291647 -1.5374
CV32 5JT 0 52.289394 -1.545428