all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 0EQ 12 0 52.204841 -1.710192
CV37 0ER 13 2 52.224407 -1.742872
CV37 0ES 16 0 52.230615 -1.740523
CV37 0EW 30 0 52.229474 -1.737221
CV37 0ET 2 0 52.245357 -1.749597
CV37 0EU 3 0 52.245675 -1.749428
CV37 0EX 15 5 52.242819 -1.726451
CV37 0EZ 5 2 52.238496 -1.701201
CV37 0HB 26 8 52.243109 -1.690889
CV37 0HD 5 0 52.255708 -1.699196
CV37 0HE 16 0 52.257734 -1.696999
CV37 0HF 7 0 52.258697 -1.697506
CV37 0HG 16 0 52.259863 -1.69656
CV37 0HH 3 0 52.259215 -1.699802
CV37 0HJ 5 0 52.258754 -1.713328
CV37 0HN 33 0 52.26252 -1.720425
CV37 0HQ 6 1 52.265106 -1.693477
CV37 0HS 13 7 52.201151 -1.719859
CV37 0HR 26 22 52.201539 -1.720675
CV37 0HT 10 6 52.201084 -1.722171